Le 12ième Congrès International en Pathologie des Plantes ICPP aura lieu du 20 au 25 aôut 2023 à Lyon !
Nathalie Poussereau et Mathias Choquer, enseignants chercheurs de l’équipe Génomique Fonctionnelle des Champignons Phytopathogènes du laboratoire MAP, organisent le 12ième congrès international de pathologie végétale au centre des congrès de Lyon du 20 au 25 août 2023.
Le thème de l’ICPP2023 sera “ONE HEALTH for all Plants, Crops and Trees”. Ce concept d’une “santé unique” est une stratégie mondiale visant à promouvoir l’intégration de la santé des plantes, des humains et de l’environnement.
L’ICPP est placé sous le patronage de la Société Internationale de Pathologie Végétale qui regroupe plus de 60 sociétés nationales intéressées par la santé et la protection des plantes. Cette conférence mondiale n’a lieu que tous les 5 ans, ce qui en fait un rendez-vous exceptionnel à ne pas manquer si l’on souhaite partager les avancées récentes de la recherche en phytopathologie !
- 1ICPP is the world's largest conference on Plant Pathology, promoting World-Wide Plant Health and Food Security, and it has attracted in 2018 more than 2400 participants from 88 countries.
- 2ICPP fosters cooperation between plant pathologists from developed and emerging countries.
- 3ICPP fosters intense scientific discussions between young scientists and experienced researchers.
- 4ICPP fosters interactions between academia and industry, offering the opportunity for company representatives to connect with conference delegates and providing them a platform to showcase products and get global visibility
- 5ICPP conference series has a long tradition of 55 years, and is the place where the eminent Jakob Eriksson Prize for distinct achievements in the field of plant pathology is awarded.
- 6The ICPP2023 has a rich scientific programme with 2 plenary, 6 keynotes, more than 50 concurrent sessions, several round-tables, 7h30 dedicated to about 1000 posters viewing and about 20 pre-congress satellite meetings.
- 7The ICPP2023 militates for the recognition of Plant Pathology and Plant Health within the ONE-HEALTH, in the city of Lyon where this globalized concept was invented by the veterinarian Claude Bourgelat in the 18th century.
- 8Lyon, the capital of Gauls, is a human scale city located in the middle of Western-Europe between Paris, the Mediterranean sea, and the Alps, and with easy access by plane, train and car.
- 9Lyon, the French capital of gastronomy, is a UNESCO world heritage site with 2000 years of history and was awarded the World's Leading Emerging Tourism Destination 2021 by the World Travel Awards.
- 10After 3 years of Covid health crisis, it's now the time to go back to the congresses and to meet the people of your community face to face.
Come and join us!