
10 Jun
Vendredi 10 Juin 9h00. Amphi Lwoff + Visio

Abdelrahim Zoued : Using Proteomics to Interrogate the Host-Pathogen Interface in Cholera (Séminaire Invite MTSB)

Dr Abdelrahim Zoued (actuellement post-doctorant au CIRI dans l'Equipe de Pr Doublet) présente un séminaire au MAP, invité par MTSB. Les travaux présentés ont été réalisés dans le laboratoire du Pr Waldor du département d'immunologie et maladies infectieuses de Harvard à Boston, USA.


Using Proteomics to Interrogate the Host-Pathogen Interface in Cholera

The microbial cell surface is a site of critical microbe–host interactions that often control infection outcomes. Defining the set of host proteins present at this interface has been challenging. Here we used a surface-biotinylation approach coupled to quantitative mass spectrometry to identify and quantify both bacterial and host proteins present on the surface of diarrheal fluid-derived Vibrio cholerae in an infant rabbit model of cholera. The V. cholerae surface was coated with numerous host pro- teins, whose abundance were driven by the presence of cholera toxin, including the C-type lectin SP-D. Mice lacking SP-D had enhanced V. cholerae intestinal colonization, and SP-D production shaped both host and pathogen transcriptomes. Additional host proteins (AnxA1, LPO and ZAG) that bound V. cholerae were also found to recognize distinct taxa of the murine intestinal microbiota, suggesting that these host factors may play roles in intestinal homeostasis in addition to host defense. ​Zoued et al. NATuRe CHeMiCAl BioloGy 2021.


Séminaire en présentiel à l'amphi Lwoff, et en visio sur Webex : Lien ici

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