Un nouveau titre pour Marta (Biomérieux award)
Each year the Association of the Alumni of the University of Lyon gives the Biomérieux award to a newly graduated PhD student of the University of Lyon who has done his/her work in the fields of Microbiology, Virology, infectious disesase, or Nanothechnology.
We are very proud to announce that this year, the award was given to Dr. Marta Salvador-Castell for her work on "Apolar lipids, the membrane adaptation toolbox of extremophiles".
Her main achievement was to demonstrate experimentally a totally novel membrane architecture responsible for the adaptation of Archaea to extreme environments. This work has many implications for the emergence of life on Earth, as well as potential applications for drug delivery. Marta did her PhD in the MAP laboratory at INSA de Lyon, under the supervision of Dr P.M. Oger in the Microbiology of Extreme Environment team.
Warm congratulations to her, and the whole team.