Numéro spécial "Regulatory RNAs in Bacterial pathogenesis"
Regulatory RNAs play key roles in all living organisms. During an infection, bacteria reprogram the expression of their genes in response to environmental constraints in order to adapt their physiology and metabolism to host conditions. Non-coding RNAs have been recently identified as central players shaping these adaptive and pathogenic processes both in bacterium and in its host. RNAs could potentially affect all steps in the bacterial infection cycle and contribute greatly to the interactions of pathogens with their hosts, as well as other members of microbial communities, including commensal microbiota and bacteriophages.
This Research Topic will accept Original Research Articles, Reviews and Opinion pieces covering the following aspects of RNA-based regulation in pathogenic bacteria:
• The diversity of pathophysiological and metabolic processes targeted by RNAs and the diversity of the RNAs themselves (small RNAs, cis-antisense RNAs, etc)
• RNA-mediated host-pathogen crosstalk (secreted RNAs, RNA in extracellular vesicles)
• RNA-based metabolic and physiological regulations in response to stressors during infection
• RNAs within mobile genetic elements, including prophage-, pathogenicity island- and plasmid-associated RNAs