ISS and Holobionts July 22
ISS HOLOBIONT – 25-29 July 2022
Palais des Congrès de Lyon
The 10th Congress of the International Symbiosis Society will be held in conjunction with the 3rd edition of the International Conference on Holobionts at the Palais des Congrès of Lyon (France) from July 25 to 29, 2022. This joint congress will provide a unique opportunity to present the most exciting and recent discoveries in the fields of symbiosis and holobiont research.
During this meeting, we will give a special emphasis on symbiosis in the Anthropocene era. Faced with the challenges generated by global upheavals, be they societal, medical, or environmental, it is indeed essential to understand the impact of these changes on symbioses, and also to foresee how symbioses may allow to cope with these challenges in the future of our biosphere.
The program has been designed to cover a wide range of fundamental and applied topics in current symbiotic and holobiotic research. We are delighted to welcome prestigious guest speakers at the forefront of research, working on various types of organisms (e.g., virus, bacteria, protists, invertebrates, plants and humans).